sunnuntai 4. joulukuuta 2011

Saturday Night Kata: My First Code Kata, Part 2

Ok, It's sunday. But yesterday I wasn't in the mood for coding. I rather drank couple of beers and was in sauna, as we use to do in Finland.

So, I still had things to do with that KataBangOCR code kata like file handling, learning some Mockito stuff etc. Now It's (almost) done and results are here. Still have to think how to implement that fourth user story, but learning process is finished. Actually, I achieved all learning goals.

But now I have set some new goals. I want learn to use git-flow and it's easier to do it with some new project. Also, I'm reading this book now, and try I get some new ideas from there for implementing TDD. And I want to test those ideas when I'm doing some coding. You can't actually learn anything just by reading.

Luckily there are lots of things to do, if I don't invent some real project. But now I'll go to sleep...

See you and good night!

maanantai 7. marraskuuta 2011

Saturday Night Kata: My First Code Kata, Part 1

I am ashamed to admit that I haven't done any code katas until last saturday. I train somehow regularly, do prototypes and pocs, but I have never picked any katas and just executed them in "kata way" (whatever that means). But now I had some stuff to learn and it seemed a good idea to use code kata to learn them.

And here are my goals:
  1. Learn use Eclipse shortcuts better (mainly for executing unit tests and changing tabs and views).
  2. Training TDD, I'm still novice in that (I think) so I need all training I can get.
  3. Train mocking with Mockito. I have used it, but not so much, so I still need  some practise.
  4. Test some basic Java 7 stuff, like switch -statement with Strings and try-with-resources statement.
  5. Learn some basic Git commands and how to work with github.
  6. May be test some new eclipse plugins, I haven't used before.
But first I had to find some kata to do, and of course I used Google and found my way to There seems to be lots of interesting katas there. I picked KataBankOCR because in that I have to do some file handling too (resources) and I there are multiple parts and user stories to do (I needed some "big" project to cover all those goals I had. And writing simple parsers is always fun.

Now I have achieved part of those goals and results are here. I have still lots of things to do, but I learned some important things like set up Git -> github connection and how to use it. I also remember how to change tabs and execute test using shortcuts in Eclipse.  But there are still some things in my todo -list:
  1. File handling (goal 4.)
  2. Some refactoring (that switch statement in that parser class is ugly).
  3. Maybe more tests.
  4. Cover all use cases of course, we have to always make business people happy :)
  5. Mockito stuff (I think I gonna use it in my file handling unit tests, but also have to create some integration test for that part too).
To Be Continued...

maanantai 22. elokuuta 2011

Why Do I Like Test Driven Development?

Honestly, I have to say that I'm pretty novice as a TDD-developer. But I'm getting better and try to learn more all the time. And more I learn, more I love the way how it improves my code and makes development process easier and faster. In my opinion, it's more coders tool to write better code than a design method. And I say MORE. It's both. But when you start to do TDD, you still have to do good modeling, functional and architecture design and for that you need other methods, like DDD or BDD. (Lots of D:s around. By the way, in Finland we have we have artist whose nickname is "Big-D". He have been very popular since 1960's.) But that's another story. I'm just a simple code monkey (or software simian) who wants to write better code.

There are three main reasons, why I try to do TDD and wanna get better Test Driven Developer. And here we go!

1. It makes writing functional code faster.

When you write tests first, you always remember, where you were before you were interrupted and which part of your code works and which not. Test are you main "spec" for the code. Also, I could design code for someone else just doing tests first. If someone (or me) finds a bug, I can write test case for that bugging use case and when that test (and other tests too) goes green, I know it's ready for production again. I don't have to do any manual regression testing after that.

Also, when TDD has done right, you write small amount of code at the time, test it and refactor it. It's easier and faster to test few lines of  code  instead of hundreds at the time. After every TEST -> CODE -> REFACTOR cycle you have few lines of new "production ready" code. If you are in hurry, you can just write most important use cases and then go to next module. And continue next cases in next sprint. And you always remember, what you were doing (just read the tests). You might even notice that you only need those simple use cases in previous sprint. That's one big reason to do job in small chunks. You don't write any unneeded code.

And faster you can test your code faster you write more code.

2. It makes your development process more reliable.

When doing TDD right, you get regression tests for free. Ever have been in situation where you are thinking that what a hell broke my code? Ever, never? I know you have been. Now you don't have to think that anymore (at least so much than before). Just check tests that doesn't pass and you know the reason.

Also, have you ever been in situation where you couldn't been sure you have tested all your code? TDD offers solution for that too. Again, if done "right" you have tested every single line of you newly written code. Actually I haven't thought that before I got 100% code coverage first time in my life. That was odd at first, but very obvious, if you really think about it.

And more tests you run and write, more bugs and wrong behavior you find.

3. You get "a user guide" for free.

If you have written some library for other programmers or just for yourself, you propably want to document how to use it. Of course you could write comprehensive documentation (and you should in some cases), but if you write good test cases, you get that "for free". Usually if someone asks how to use code it's enough to tell that check unit tests. There SHOULD be an example code!

It's not science, it's craftmanship.

lauantai 16. heinäkuuta 2011

Why Clean Code Matters and How to Write Some

When I started in a business, as a junior programmer, I was full of enthusiasm and arrogance. I was the artist and every single line of working code was piece of art. No matter how I act or what I said or what I did, I was irreplaceable. ”I know my code, don't touch it”. ”Yes, it's complicated. But it's complicated thing, you know.” Main reason for that kind of behavior: I was young and stupid. And I didn't know much. I knew a little bit about programming, but nothing about how to do good software and how to work in a team. Why I had some success was that I worked hard and I like to program, maybe too much. Luckily I worked in a project where I was (almost) only person who worked with my “perfect” code. That code wasn't clean or good. It worked somehow, but it would have been crime if someone else had taken care of it.

Next company, one of the projects: 2000 lines of JavaScript code in single JSP-page. Have to say that UI was cool, but I didn't understand how it worked or how it was constructed. And I had to maintain it and add couple of new features. I hated that project, I hated the guy who did those pages (sadly there was many of them). Maybe saddest thing was that “piece of art” worked and it was developed by one of the seniors. So it was mainly “my problem” that I couldn't fix it in reasonable time. Afterward I heard that affected to my reputation, I was slow and whined. No one talked about the guy who wrote the code, because he was a senior and software worked (but was impossible to maintain). In business wise those 2000 lines of non-understandable code were very sad too: It took almost 2 months to add couple of new features to that application. In that time it's possible to develop whole application with right tools.

Next project, couple of years after: 20 programmers, couple of architects, business analysts, testers, project managers. And couple of “consultants” (in this case, they were junior programmers). 100 entities, 50 ui screens, 50 reports, hundreds of thousands of lines code. Complicated code. And no one cared about code quality from the start. There was reviews and stuff but that was a joke. They reviewed plans, no code. Documentation was important, even code comments. But no one really cared about code. That led situation where no one actually knew what was implemented where, how it was implemented and was it really implemented. Result: our bug tracking system had over 1000 issues and bugs when we started to really clean it. And I'm pretty sure that there still is some, after couple of years. We spent couple of full 2 month iterations to fix them (yes, we had too long iterations or sprints too). That was cheap, eh? I don't say that dirtiness of code was ONLY reason for corruption of code. But I say that was one of the biggest issues. Or what do you say about service methods which have about 1000 lines of codes, multiple exit points, lots of side effects and chained method calls? And no unit tests. Who can really understand that? Not me.

What is common in those three projects? Programmers that doesn't care or understand to care? Programmers that can't code? Artist who thinks that they are alone in software island, where they can work with they code alone, isolated? Lots of time to spend for maintaining that shit, not for fun like developing cool new apps or features? I say that reason is us, coders who just don't sometimes care or take responsibility of their work. Only we are the ones who have skills to care and fix those problems and we should. Of course schedules could be too tight or plans or requirements have problems but also in those cases we should tell our opinion and try to fix them. But main reason for bad projects in my opinion is bad code, code that is not “clean”. If we don't understand the code we write or maintain, who can? We are still the ones who have to do all that shit. And I'm pretty sure that most of us wanna do new stuff, not spend whole time in work to maintain that shitty code.

So how to get there, to the Land of The Clean Code

1. Code should communicate. I don't mean that you should write thousands of lines code comments or document for every single line in your code. I said that you should use names, which tell exactly what your methods do or attribute (or variables mean). If its impossible to give reasonable name, then there is problem in your method, attribute or variable. You don't understand what it does or it does too much or you just don't actually need it. If you have to use comments, think hard if you can refactor your code so someone who reads it understands it's meaning without reading you comment. If you really have to use comments, be sure that if you change code you also need to change comments too. Obsolete comments are BAD. For some reason many programmers believe comments more than the code.

My favorite tweet about this issue is from @petercordell: "@unclebobmartin Love this theme. My mantra: Treat running code as a side effect of describing your algorithm to a fellow developer."

Coding is caring about you fellow developers and co-workers who have to maintain your (hopefully) good and readable code (love, peace and understanding :). “No man is an island” ( and we need others when we are doing complicated things.

2. Refactor all the time. Code is never ready. If functions (methods) are too big, extract new ones from them. If names are meaningless, change them. If model doesn't correspond your business model, recreate it. Refactoring isn't hard anymore, because of good tooling. IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse have features for it. And even if you do it by hand, you can compile and run your code fast so you can test if it still works. Best situation (and recommended) is if you have unit (or integration) tests for the parts you are refactoring. And if you don't you should write ones for those parts you gonna refactor. Good unit tests are backbone for all software development. When you have tests, refactoring and making other changes aren't so scary anymore. You know that your code works when your bar is green.

And remember: "Refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior." (

3. TEST, TEST, TEST. And do some testing too. Coding is more testing than coding. In my opinion, if you don't show that your code exist using running tests, it doesn't exist. It is in your laptop (or server) somewhere, but doesn't really exist if you can't show it does what it's written for.

When you start to do some coding, first think how to test it. The easier it is run those tests, the more often you will do that. If you are not used to write unit tests for your ui controllers, record them when you click through you newly written ui. Then you don't have to click again when you change your code, just run your recorded test. Or if you are writing complicated algorithm for something, write test (and more tests along when you are coding of course) for it first and it's ready when bar goes green. And if there is a bug (we pros don't do bugs, but still :) ) in that code, write test for that bugged input (or situation) and refactor and fix your code until all the old tests and that new goes green. Or if you create new entity classes for you ORM-layer, write integration tests using in-memory database for making sure that all associations and other persistence stuff still works.

It's not hard anymore, there are lots of good material in internet and lots of books written about it. Actually, when you start doing merciless (automated) testing and TDD (Test Driven Development), it's fun. And it makes creating of good software so much easier and faster.

4. Work and talk with other people about your code, their code or some other code. Learn about mistakes your co-workers have done. Tell about mistakes YOU have done and what you have done right. You don't have to be hero, who resolves all problem just by himself. It's not honorable. In my opinion, it's just stupid. So ask and give help, please. Hero cult tells about low maturity level of processes and practices. It slows project progress and prevents personal development of the people. You may think that you are always right and your solution is the best. Until you talk to someone else. Also it's just so stupid to spend two days in trying to find solution to problem that someone else have solved before. And it's expensive too.

Good friend of mine said long time ago that developer saves customers money when he asks for help. I think there is big point in his saying.

Continuous learning

In my opinion, you can always do your work better. Of course there are constraints in projects like schedule but we use lots of our time for stupid things that monkey could do like regression testing using user interface clicking it by mouse. Or trying to understand those 1000 line long functions and stupid variable names like “a1” and “a2”. We could (and should) use our time wisely so we had time for real work like discussing with customer about business problems or designing more usable user interfaces. Or just inventing application ideas which make us all rich and famous. Or learning new more effective technologies and methods for making our job more efficient.

But still we fill our days wading in the swamp of smelly code to never really get to the dry land. Is that pure stupidity or are we just prisoners of our bad habits? I don't care about reasons actually. I just wanna have fun in work by creating good software. Writing good and understandable code is the way. And it's not actually THAT hard. It just needs some discipline and will to learn all the time. And some passion to be good.

If you agree the above, here's couple of books you really should check:

Clean Code (
Clean Coder (  Programmers/dp/0137081073/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1310819884&sr=1-1)
Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices (
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (
Test Driven (

Also I higly recommend videos from give lots of value for money and are fun to watch.

Little craftsman.